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Who are we and what makes us different?

We are a team of passionate, dynamic and forward-thinking coaches who are fully qualified PE teachers and/or recognised governing body coaches.


We provide progressive and effective multi-sport and athletic development coaching camps to children aged 6-14.


We provide programmes that significantly improve your child's physical versatility and therefore maximise their sporting potential.










All our training sessions aim to;



Be creative, innovative and age relevant for all individuals


Promote physical and mental well-being and confidence


Create opportunities for children to explore and enhance their physical potential


Provide sessions that are safe, caring, progressive as well as FUN



Reach the cognitive and associative phases of skill development quicker


Reach the autonomous stage of skill development quicker  


Enhance natural instincts such as visual awareness, anticipation and decision making


Create well-rounded athletes for the future

LevelUP Sport & Fitness
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